Welcome to Strive For Truth
Let me intoduce myself. My name is Randy. I am not a theologian. I don't have a degree from a seminary. I am by trade a computer software engineer. Disclaimer - I am not a web site developer as you can see from this, my first attempt to build a website. I have been a Christian since 1984. During that I time I have been to a wide variety of churches. I have been to a small church that had less than 50 people, medium size churches that averaged between 100 - 200 per service and larger churches that ran several hundred and multiple services. I am currently part of a home bible study with some other families. I have been to churches where the doctrine ranged from speaking in tongues was almost a necessity to prove you salvation to the New Testament gifts have ceased operating.
As you can see I have been through a wide variety of churches and doctrines in the past 40 years or so and I don't even attend a regular church now. So it is fair to ask after all that what do I believe now? What is my doctrine? I believe the Holy Bible is the inerrant Word of God. I believe in God the Father, the Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I believe that Jesus came to the Earth, born of a virgin, lived a perfect life and died as a sin offering for those who will accept Him. I believe that true faith in Jesus is all that is required for salvation. Put simply I believe the Gospel as taught by Jesus and the Apostles in the New Testament.
I hope you will join me and together we can strive for the truth. As I said I believe th Bible is the inerrant Word of God. That is not to say that everything I write is inerrant. Everything that I say I will reference to the Word of God. But I make mistakes and therefore welcome any critique that is based on sound interpretation of God's Word.